The New Hampshire Renaissance Faire
Highlights of a renaissance faire, showing the vendors, performers, and activities of the faire. Used to promote future faire events.
The Town and The City Festival
Sizzle reel of an arts and music festival that highlights the event. Client used video to promote the next year’s festival.
Tiger An’s Taekwondo
Highlight of a taekwondo school’s grand opening that shows the energy and excitement of the day. Client used video to recap the event for testers and boost their social media presence.
Talented Palettes
Highlights of a paint night fundraiser that showcase the process as well as the fun of the event. Client used video as part of social media campaign to promote future events.
World Olympic Taekwondo Federation
Highlights from a taekwondo seminar, showing the athletes’ and teacher’s passion. Client used video to promote their emerging organization and garner interest in future events.